Global travel technology company Amadeus provides solutions that improve the travel and traveller experience – covering sales, marketing, operations and business management.

The dynamic destination services marketplace – within any trip, anywhere – is a valuable, but largely untapped source of revenue for travel sellers.

Amadeus gave this the name Destination X, and partnered with The Think Tank to create a paper that outlined the opportunities in this evolving market, along with promotional assets to generate traction for this timely report.

The report was targeted at business and leisure travel agencies – who face similar challenges to their time-poor customers: trying to make sense of a fragmented and expanding world of information about ancillary destination services.

With data drawn from customer and desk research as well as interviews with key partners in the travel industry, the report explored into the future of travel, from both a leisure and business perspective.

In particular, it looked at the huge impact of mobile technologies on the sector.

The Think Tank also created a range of assets to supplement and drive traffic towards the report, including:

  • Infographics
  • Cinemographs
  • Teaser content pieces
  • Social media assets

The creative used in the whitepaper and throughout the campaign was impactful, using stunning and relevant travel imagery, modern and simple graphs and icons – whilst also utilising Amadeus’ shapes and fonts, creating a coherent look and feel for the campaign.