After two years of extensive product development, the ground-breaking new family of products, offering users unrivalled laser mapping capabilities, needed an exciting, engaging and informative launch that clearly communicated the innovations this product would bring to multiple industries.

To meet the key objectives of clear, engaging marketing targeted at a range of sectors, raising product awareness, cultivating interest in the new product, and demonstrating the benefits for the end user, we developed an integrated strategy that focussed on the customer experience, based on real results and testimonials.

The strapline ‘A smarter way to view the world’ underpinned a three-week teaser and centralised launch campaign, emphasising how the software enables improved working practices, better visualisation of projects and improves sharing of content.

The teaser campaign was used to engage and intrigue audiences prior to launch using a 360-degree theme including darkened and warped imagery of relevant backgrounds (for example, a construction site) with a dark filter that tied in with Leica’s new BLK360 product and Register 360 software.

The campaign was promoted with an interactive landing page and teaser videos, supported by global programmatic advertising, content promotion, remarketing and locally distributed eDM. Visitors were incentivised with a competition on the dedicated landing page to win a VR headset, deliberately chosen for its links back to the immersive style of the Leica Cyclone software.

To simultaneously differentiate and show cohesion between the launch and teaser campaigns, the launch visuals also featured the warped environment backgrounds, losing the dark filter and adding a user holding a tablet device at the very centre of the environment, demonstrating how the software places the user at the heart of a realistic digital environment, as if they’re actually on site whilst still at their desk.

Along with being shortlisted for two CMA awards, the campaign dramatically increased both product and brand awareness, resulting in 8 million impressions, 17,000 video views and over 18,000 clicks, successfully introducing this brand new product family to the world.