The Think Tank realised that Aquent’s salary data was an under-used PR resource and devised a campaign timed around January’s peak job search period. We analysed the stats and pulled out key trends looking back over three years. Focusing on the age old principle of self-interest, we themed the campaign around “How much are you worth”.

We negotiated an exclusive in key trade title Campaign, which published the findings on the first day back after Christmas. This story was also featured in the magazine’s newsletters and was one of the month’s most read articles.

Beyond this we secured coverage for the news in all key design, marketing and recruitment press.

To maintain visibility for Aquent and position the company firmly as understanding the challenges of finding new talent and new employment we created a research study. The findings were extracted to create news and lead to an insight packed report to be shared with Aquent clients.

Not only was Aquent’s press visibility up exponentially, the report has been one of the firm’s most downloaded pieces of collateral.