Banner UK Connect PR case study The Think Tank

Although UK Connect had a strong reputation for its telecoms and wireless services, it was looking to expand into an area where it ostensibly possessed no prior experience.

It needed to be seen as an authority on construction safety and needed to exhibit the efficacy of its new product throughout the testing phase.

The Think Tank’s strategy split into two branches: industry focussed and service focussed.

First, it would establish a consistent presence within trade and business media, building UK Connect’s position as experts in construction technology and innovation. Central to this phase was profiling MD, PJ Farr, as a tech entrepreneur on a mission to make the housing sector safer.

Second, focus would shift to the product, creating a narrative around this cutting-edge technology to drive awareness and enquiries.

An early win in The Telegraph business pages set the ball rolling and soon UK Connect was being regarded as a go-to expert on connectivity and safety in construction. This was cemented with an in-depth interview with PJ in leading industry publication, Construction News.

COVID-19 could have thrown a spanner in the works, but The Think Tank’s strategy was flexible, responding to the decision to bring the live testing of forward by six months.

Communication shifted to the benefits of’s back-to-site management functions for the post-lockdown period.

This topical hook enabled The Think Tank to secure coverage beyond trade media, landing features with: BBC Television, multiple spots on BBC Radio, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian and City A.M.

Meanwhile, significant attention was also being won in leading business and technology outlets including: Management Today, Digital Bulletin, TechRound UK and NatWest Business Hub amongst others.

In total, 47 articles were earned over just five months, with an online reach of 1.04bn and a print circulation of 1.11m. 100% of coverage referenced UK Connect by name, and 66% of all articles directly mentioned the product. A rip-roaring PR success on a modest budget.