Shine For Women Covid-19 Media Campaign for Homeworkers

Shine coaches, inspires and challenges senior leaders to build a bigger vision for themselves and their organisations, creating a truly human environment in which everybody can thrive and reach their full potential. The Think Tank began working with Shine in 2020, securing thought leadership, features and profiling for the business founders. 

In light of the uncertainty surrounding Covid-19, we presented Shine as an expert coaching consultancy who could provide insights into maintaining a ‘human’ culture at a time when face-to-face interaction was simply not possible. 

On the back of this approach, we helped the founders of Shine, Anna and Caroline, build their public profiles in the media, while keeping an eye on the news agenda and seizing opportunities as they arose. We recommended Shine to draft key advice around topics such as: 

  • How to create and nurture a company culture when everybody’s working remotely
  • A toolbox of tricks for working remotely with kids at home
  • Remote control: growing a business in a changing world 

These enabled us to secure high-profile coverage across BBC news groups on TV and radio, including BBC Radio 5 Live, BBC Points West and BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour. 

The results were excellent. As well as continued promotion by the media outlets on their social channels, our PR efforts also caused significant increases in Shine’s social media performance. Furthermore, the time spent on Shine’s website was up by 78% on the previous year. A post on the site about their Radio 4 appearance led to a third of visitors clicking on to find out more about what Shine does. 

The Think Tank is delighted that our continued work with this inspirational organisation enhances their public image, helping them empower more leaders and businesses around the world.


'We have been really impressed by how tuned-in to the media’s constantly evolving narrative The Think Tank have been these last few weeks, and how agile and creative their solutions for us have been as a result. They’ve really helped us to flex our messaging whilst staying true to who we are and what we stand for as a business, and the opportunities they’ve secured for our founders have been super-relevant and high profile.'

Tamsin Ward, Head of Brand, Shine For Women