Asendia Industries Lead Generation Campaign

Asendia identified two core verticals to target: e-commerce retailers in Fashion & Apparel and Health and Beauty sectors. Having worked with Asendia on a range of campaigns before, from internal communications to product launches, The Think Tank drew on detailed knowledge of Asendia’s customer base to create a content-lead strategy that would position Asendia as an industry leader whilst offering e-tailers practical insights and opportunities.

For each vertical, The Think Tank created a comprehensive guide to the industry followed by supporting assets and blogs, tailored to both industries yet with cross-over content that remained fresh and interesting. 

The Think Tank produced two e-books, multiple blog articles, an e-commerce retail calendar, an infographic, and interviews with Asendia experts to create a wealth of assets for Asendia’s prospects, combining in-depth market analysis with cross-selling Asendia’s services.

Promoting the industry-specific assets through Google Display advertising, LinkedIn lead generation forms and text ads provided Asendia with an initial connection to potential new customers. This was followed by a nurture campaign of a series of 8 emails, providing those who had downloaded the e-book with further relevant content to continue their engagement with Asendia. 

Interacting with the digital ads led prospects to bespoke landing pages designed and built by The Think Tank, as well as triggering a series of branded e-shots, while remarketing through digital channels enabled Asendia to get back in touch with customers who may have dropped off.

In its first two weeks the e-books were downloaded over 250 times, a result of highly-targeted digital campaigns that ensured the ads were put in front of the right people.

Across 8 countries (Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, US and UK) the campaign generated an impressive 4.5% conversion rate and a click through rate (CTR) of 1.15%. Since launch, the campaign has won and been nominated for multiple awards.